Monday 9 May 2011

Esoteric Questions

I had a few mins to spare while waiting for my train to Essen .I could have plugged in the music that will hold the Tonotopic parts of my body and ensure this constant elevated emotion from my awesome playlist . Leaving me the minimal effort to just have focus on the surrounding which by itself will seem quite different with music in my ears. Sadly my iPod ran out of charge, with that my freedom to violate unsecured public Wi-Fi. So i was being cornered by this situation. However it’s not unusual for me to space out for a while and focus or ponder on topics that might for some reason can be deemed Gratuitous. Evidently, i attempted to push time as i had nothing to do. Sans of Inhibitions, I zoned out of Antwerp central station, So to speak

Frankly speaking, my real concern on humanity and my relation with earth is what the point of all this evolution is? . A Futile growth which gives no real answers to the reason behind the universal development. Right from algae to Homo sapiens we are evolving nonstop. Are we going to give way to new mode of species as Apes did to us? Perhaps evolution into a better race who can handle the truth and reason behind the God Theory/ Big Bang logic.

Globally speaking we are advancing, better networked, socio metrically fused with a psychological wellbeing. So it’s fair to say that we as a human entity are at our peak at this very second. Would you say that this thought would not have come across a person in different timelines? Say the guy who invented a wheel, with his improved mobility would he not marvel at his growth and be superior to the ones without? OR an Aryan man in early 18th century with advent of indo European cultures and thought process? OR A renaissance man at his time would have felt this is how far humans could stretch intellectually? Yet time has proved us all wrong. They all improved meteorically in all realms of Science, Religion or Intellect as whole. We are in early mid of 2011 and we are still growing, at a level so fast that our ancestors or humans from earlier centuries would see us as Gods. Well we are Flying in space, Inventing new stuff, building sky scrapers, communicating far better, Intensified cultures and our human intellect is tuned for even more development. So where is this all going to take us to? We are growing but to were? To what extent? What’s the point of growing? So let’s say we die in our 60’s or 70’s just like everyone before us died , they dint see what’s happening now , we might not see what’s going to happen after our time. If so then what’s this baseless pursuit of money, struggle, survival about? Conveniently a Theist will argue that you reach moksha or eternity, a way to reach God.  As much as I respect every religion, this borders on belief and hope which I won’t prefer for solid answers.

Mankind has dealt with what the earth and moon are about (to some extent). No real answer over there ... Get born , study , earn , Survive , grow family , develop them , enjoy earth and die. Bored of this ritual. High time we seek the answers out there, in cosmic space. Where there are no cranes or hangers for planets and stars. Real “SPACE”. That is where the real answer lies to the Esoteric question that man has been asking for centuries. What is out there? Who put them there? . Why are they rotating? Astronomy, Astro-physics , solar study , celestial exploration are roaring in with huge impacts. Every branch of science is at its peak at this very second. Are we going to see the point of all this?  Might as well know the reason why mankind is growing with belief and hope that everything happens for a reason and we have a god above us.

 Imagine there is a man or woman or a being sitting outside this cosmic space , with this huge crystal ball and that ball being the entire cosmic space. Does he/she/that zoom in and see what are we doing in earth? How we are making contact with other planets and letting out satellites all-round the area? Is he/she/that the judge to all this? or Do we have alternate dimensions? perhaps all the material (Movies , TV series , Stories , books , facts and theory) which suggest alternate realities or dimension are possible? Everyone in this earth has this cosmic right to know why are we in earth? Why not in Jupiter or Saturn ? You and I , can argue the conditions were right and we came into being .If so different conditions were right enough for different set of species in any other planet? By logic, a proper rational question always has an answer.  There are only two possible explanations: either no one told me, or no one knows.

And universe responded by giving me my train back to Essen. : P

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